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Homeowner Reminders
Published: November 18, 2024
We appreciate your continued support of the Beaver Creek HOA. We know and appreciate that many of you follow our governing documents diligently. We would like to highlight the following rules of our HOA as a friendly reminder:
• If you plan to make an exterior modification to your home, ACC approval is required prior to the commencement of modification on your Property. See, Article V of the Declaration. ACC approval is required and necessary to ensure that the subdivision is uniform, thus ensuring our home values are protected.
• All Assessments (Annual General Assessments or Special Assessments) are required and due on a yearly basis pursuant to Section 4.8 of the Declaration. Non-payment or late payments are not tolerated. Non-payment or late payments interfere with the ability of the HOA to address issues in the subdivision and pay for expenses that cannot be avoided, such as landscaping. All homeowners agreed to pay Assessments upon purchasing their home. If you decide not to pay Assessments or pay them late, please understand that the Association can pursue collections and charge all costs, including attorney’s fees, back to your account. Please make all attempts to timely pay your Assessments.
• All violations must be promptly cure in order to avoid fines and (potentially) a lien on your Property. Should you receive a violation notice, please contact us with any questions and remedy the violation quickly. Violation notices are meant to ensure the homes keep their value by remaining uniform and aesthetically pleasing.
• The HOA is not dissolving and will not dissolve in the future. Whispers to the contrary are just rumors. The City required the developer to create an HOA. The Board has no present or future intention to dissolve the HOA and will continue to work diligently to ensure that Beaver Creek is a beautiful community with high home values.
We know that all of you are diligently working to ensure that you follow the governing documents and keep Beaver Creek a beautiful and thriving community. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Beaver Creek HOA